Ticks on dogs

Vet issues Warning for South West England

Tick bites can, in some cases, cause Lyme disease. The UK Health Security Agency warns that this time of year is when cases of Lyme Disease increase as ticks become more prominent with the warmer weather returning and we spend more time outdoors. Residents of high-risk tick areas, such as in South West England, should be reminded to be 'tick aware' while enjoying the outdoors. As pet...

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PDSA Weekly Vet Q&A - 26 March 2024

Dear PDSA Vet, I have a Springer Spaniel, Nellie, who loves to run through long grass. I know ticks are commonly found in long grass; how do I know if Nellie has picked one up? Thanks Geoffrey

Hi Geoffrey, you're right, ticks are commonly found in long grass, woodlands, and areas with lots of wildlife or sheep, so it is important to be mindful when heading out for dog walks. The best...