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In the dog house: Eight in 10 dog owners struggling with bad behaviours, according to new survey

Dealing with a disobedient, unruly or excitable dog? You’re not the only one.

A new survey conducted by interactive dog toy company Tug-E-Nuff has revealed that eight in 10 dog owners are struggling with problem behaviours.

Almost half (46%) of owners say they’d like to improve their dog’s recall - with seven in 10 admitting it’s a challenge to get their dog to come when...

Is fetch over? New research reveals THIS is actually your dog’s favourite game to play

Fetch might be a game that rings down the centuries, but it appears it’s no longer a pooch’s favourite way to play.

A new survey conducted by interactive dog toy company Tug-E-Nuff has crowned tug of war as the number one game between dogs and their owners.

Eight in 10 owners declare tug of war is their dog’s favourite game, compared to six in 10 who say fetch gets their...