
Tug-E-Nuff celebrates 15th anniversary

Interactive dog toy company Tug-E-Nuff is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a new charity initiative and free event to celebrate positive play.

As part of its celebrations, Tug-E-Nuff will be matching customer donations up to £3,000, made at checkout from now until 27th October, for charities Bristol Animal Rescue Centre and Animals in Distress. Plus, providing a selection of its...

Tug-E-Nuff launches revamped affiliate programme

Interactive dog toy company Tug-E-Nuff has relaunched its Partner Programme to provide enhanced benefits to its existing and potential affiliates.

Dog professionals who partner with Tug-E-Nuff to work positively with dogs and help promote the power of play will now receive enhanced commission earning, marketing support and bespoke product recommendations for their clients, as part of...

New poll crowns Spaniels as the least spoilt breed in the UK

Barking mad Brits are known for truly spoiling their dogs – Today Peamutt Butter reveals the top offenders by breed

Spaniel dog owners are the least needy of their pets, a survey of UK dog owners has found.

The poll by dog food brand Peamutt Butter asked 2,000 British dog owners how much they spoil and prioritise their beloved fur babies and the differences by breed were...

Allergies in Dogs, a vet's guide

What are the top ten allergies for dogs, in order?

Most people are surprised to learn that chicken, beef and dairy are the most common allergens for dogs. Some of the signs may easily be misdiagnosed by owners and can include excess paw licking, waxy ears and intermittent runny stools. Contrary to popular belief, true grain allergies in dogs are relatively uncommon and so a grain...