Dog weight loss

Tubby Terrier sheds whopping 4.5kg as ‘dog mum’ encourages owners to get pets weighed

A Greater Manchester 'dog mum' whose Chinese Crested Terrier successfully lost almost a third of his whole body weight is now calling on other pet owners to join PDSA's Big Weigh In, in partnership with Royal Canin.

The campaign, now in its second year, aims to tackle the pet obesity crisis head on, with owners able to take advantage of free weight checks at participating vet...

James with his weight loss certificate

Lighter Labrador James is like a new dog after weight loss success

Labrador James has lost 10kg (one-and-a-half stone) – equivalent to a large sack of pet food – after his worried new owner feared he was overweight and took him to a pet weight loss clinic. His owner, Nicola Mark, took James to Uplands Way Vets in Bressingham for weight advice after adopting him last year, when he tipped the scales at a hefty 45kg (seven stone). Carrying too many pounds was...