Mini Heatwave: Expert Shares Advice On How To Keep Your Pet Cool

The UK is set to enjoy a ‘mini heatwave’ this weekend.  In the hot weather, many pet parent’s first thought is how to keep their furry friend cool amidst baking temperatures. Experts in pet food, Pointer, have shared their advice.

Justin Bland, dog expert at Pointer, said: “Many of our reactions to keeping our pets cool in the heat are knee jerk, quick hacks – but the best thing you can do is be prepared.”

Justin shares his top tips for being prepared to keep your pet cool in the hot weather.


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

It sounds obvious but sometimes can be looked over. Make sure your pet has access to water at all times and check the bowl regularly. If you’re worried about their hydration, try adding ice cubes to water bowls or make frozen treats. This will keep them hydrated and refreshed in the warm temperature, plus provide some enrichment whilst keeping them cool.


Don’t Panic

It’s natural to be concerned about our furry friends during a heatwave but remember their bodies do regulate heat – hence why they may pant more over the next few days. If you want to give your pet something to physically bring their body temperature down, cool mats are a useful trick, or you can get little neckerchiefs which perform the same functions.


Burn Off Energy In Other Ways

Don’t forget if the ground is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot to walk your dog. Please do keep them entertained and enriched indoors though with playtime, puzzle toys, slow feeders, and fresh air in the shaded parts of your garden if you have one. Lots of dogs enjoy splashing around in paddling pools. This can help them to burn off energy without taking them for a walk whilst the sun is beating down.


Know The Signs Of Heatstroke

Anything upwards of 20 degrees is generally considered too hot for pets to be outside for a sustained period of time. However, we know all too well that sometimes they don’t help themselves by sleeping in sunny spots, or being unable to resist the allure of the outside. As a pet owner it’s crucial you know the signs of heatstroke so you can act quickly. The Royal Veterinary College advises to look out for:

  1. Distressed or noisy breathing
  2. Restlessness or agitation, pacing, seeking shade or water
  3. Drooling
  4. Red gums or tongue
  5. Increased heart rate
  6. Vomiting or diarrhoea

If in doubt about your pets welfare, always call your vet.


Avoid Stuffy Rooms

Definitely avoid any room with no air circulation like a greenhouse or conservatory, this can be harmful for your pet. Utilise open windows or fans (if you have them) as this will  help to cool down a room. Absolutely do not leave your pets in hot cars or outside in the sun during this spell of hot weather.


To find out more about Pointer pet products, head to the website:

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