Ten ways to celebrate International Cat Day on 8 August 2024
They're one of the UK's favourite pets, with 11 million cats owned by over a quarter of households – so it's only right they get their own celebration with International Cat Day on 8 August.
This year's event is all about the bond between cats and their owners, so charity Cats Protection has come up with its top 10 tips on how to mark the day:
Curl up to watch your favourite moggy movie: With an illustrious list of Hollywood cats to choose from, there's something for everyone. Sci-fi fans can get their feline fix with a rewatch of Alien, featuring Ripley and her faithful moggy Jonesy, while rom-com lovers can go misty-eyed with Audrey Hepburn and ginger puss Cat. For family viewing, you really are spoilt for choice, with much-loved classics like Aristocats, Garfield or the film adaptation of Dr Seuss's mischief-making Cat in the Hat.
Donate cat food: Many food banks are happy to accept pet food to help those struggling with costs. So, if your cat has turned their nose up at their food bowl, or if you'd like to help cat owners in your community, consider donating a bag, pouch or tin of cat food to your local food bank.
Brush up on your cat game play: Cats love to play – but not necessarily in way you may think. The games cats enjoy most will challenge both their mind and body and allow them to perform their natural behaviour like pouncing, hiding, and stalking. Take a crash course in learning how to become your cat's favourite playmate by checking out Cats Protection behaviourist Nicky Trevorrow's TedX talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2IUYCSlpBE
Plant catnip: Head to your local garden centre and pick up a Nepeta – commonly known as catmint or catnip – which will be happy growing in a pot or border. For many cats, one sniff of this pretty perennial is enough to send them into a blissful state of joy. Not only is it loved by cats, it's also fantastic for bees and other pollinators, and flowers all summer long.
Create a cat castle: It will come as no surprise to owners that cats love boxes – a lot. Perfect for snoozing, hiding or playing in, old cardboard boxes are great fun for cats and allow them to exhibit their natural behaviour. Keep hold of any large delivery boxes and create a cardboard kingdom fit for your favourite feline.
Reinvent odd socks into cat toys: Grab an old or odd sock, fill with a couple of tablespoons of dried catnip, tie off the opening with a knot and you have a fun toy for your favourite moggy. Not only will it keep your cat entertained, it's a great summer holiday craft idea for kids.
Read the Cat Manifesto: From Larry the Downing Street cat to new Prime Minister Keir Starmer's cat, moggies are at the heart of Government. Check out what laws and policies may feature on the political agenda by taking a look at The Cat Manifesto. www.cats.org.uk/manifesto
Fill your social feed with cats (and dogs): Dogs Trust will be marking International Cat Day by sharing photos of cats in the care of Cats Protection. And later in the month, on International Dog Day (26 August), Cats Protection will return the favour by filling its socials with dogs being cared for by Dogs Trust. Follow both charities on Instagram and get your daily fix of two of the nation's favourite pets.
Vote in the National Cat Awards: This summer, there's only one awards show that really matters – The National Cat Awards, run by Cats Protection. You can vote for one of 11 shortlisted cats, including Cilla, the cat who lives in a school and keeps staff and pupils entertained, 22-year-old veteran puss Dave and Marmaduke, the ginger moggy who helped his owner recover after the trauma of working as an emergency medical technician at Manchester Arena on the night of the May 2017 attack. Vote for your favourite at www.cats.org.uk/nca
Check your cat's microchip: Microchipping is the best way of ensuring your cat can be returned home if they get lost. But it only works if you keep your records are up to date on the microchip database. Take five minutes to check your address and phone number is correct with the company your cat's microchip is registered to. And if they're not already microchipped, make an appointment today – remember, microchipping is a legal requirement for cats in England.
Cats Protection Behaviour Officer Daniel Warren-Cummings said: "Cats are amazing pets, and most definitely deserve a whole day of celebration devoted to them. What makes cats so fascinating is their many different traits – their relentless curiosity, their fondness for cramming themselves into unusual places to sleep and their determination to live life as they choose.
"Of course, we also love them for everything they bring to our lives – the companionship around our homes, the affection when we've had a bad day and, of course, the laughter and fun they bring to our lives with their entertaining antics."
For more information on caring for cats, visit www.cats.org.uk