Dog Behaviourist expert gives her top tips on how to keep your pup safe at the Christmas markets
As Christmas is all about spending time as a family, no one should miss out - including our furry friends, so with searches for dog friendly Christmas markets up by 114%, expert holiday letting agents Canine Cottages have shared their picks on the UK's top 6 dog friendly Christmas markets.
Additionally, Canine Cottages has teamed up with Clinical Animal Behaviourist Rachel Rodgers MCs to advise the best ways to keep your pooch safe when visiting the markets this year.
For the most part, the idea of taking your beloved pooch to the Christmas market is a fun activity, it can be a really overwhelming experience for your dog and for yourself. But that doesn't mean you and your pooch have to miss out on the festive fun; rather, it's valuable to understand how to ensure your dog's happiness in a bustling environment.
Clinical Animal Behaviourist Rachel Rodgers has listed her top tips for a happy pooch:
- Prepare your pooch
Dogs can find it difficult to adapt to certain environments. Rachel explains that "If you normally walk them in the quiet countryside then a busy City Centre Christmas market is a big leap! They should be familiar and comfortable being around unfamiliar people and ideally going to unfamiliar places."
"You could even try using some of the sounds from Dogs Trust on SoundCloud to prepare them for people chatting, beeping of any lorries reversing."
- Use the right equipment
Ensuring that your pup is comfortable is crucial to the experience you have at the Christmas market - as they're likely to be busy.
Rachel suggests "a flexi lead, or a long lead that you may use in the park is not the lead for this outing. Your dog could get themselves into all sorts of mischief sneaking behind the stalls and stealing food they shouldn't have -your flexilead could also trip someone up and injure them" Instead, "just avoid them- take your dog to the markets on a Y shape harness and a fixed normal length lead 3 ft /2 meters is ample."
- Know when your pup is comfortable
It's important to pay attention to your dog, Rachel advises to "give them comfort breaks- take them over to patches of grass, to go to the toilet. Give them treats when you encounter weird and wacky things and most of all, be prepared to leave – I know it may not be what you want to hear / read but your dog's enjoyment and safety really should come first".
Look out for any signs of discomfort such as " their tail tucked between their legs, their ears back and maybe really subtle signs like them licking their lips then be prepared to continue your festive fun at home".
Remember that busy social events are not for every dog. Some will be scared by the big crowds, noise and bright lights.
- Pay attention to potential dangers
There are a few hazards that could endanger your dog whilst you're at the Christmas markets. It's important to look out for them so you can have an enjoyable experience.
Rachel mentions that Alcohol, Chocolate, Onions and Grit can put your dog in harm! "Alcohol – this is toxic to dogs. Christmas drinks like mulled wine make it very tempting for them to take a sip. Make sure you keep them away and take a bottle of water so you can keep them hydrated."
Rachel adds that it's specific but beware of onions "the bratwurst stand always has lots of chopped up onions for the hot dogs." Onions are not good for your dog. Perhaps visit the markets in the daylight so you stand a better chance of spotting some of these dangers.
Grit! "While this is obviously helpful it's dangerous for your dogs. Make sure you wash their paws when you get back from your trip so that there's no chance of them licking the grit"
Here are some dog friendly Christmas markets to visit this year:
Edinburgh Christmas Market - 17th of November to 6th of January 2024
Manchester Christmas Market -10th of November to 21st of December 2023
Sheffield Christmas Market - 10th of November to 24th of December 2023
Bath Christmas Market - 23rd of November to the 10th of December 2023
Kensington Christmas Markets - not as overwhelming for dogs as Winter Wonderland - 16th of November to the 31st of December 2023
Oxford Christmas Market - 30th of November to the 23rd of December 2023